Juergens Chiropractic & Acupuncture
The Webster Technique: A Sought Out Technique for Pregnant Women
There are several methods of performing chiropractic sacral
adjustments, with the Webster Technique being one we favor. This
technique is used mostly on pregnant women, but has become a
very useful adjustment that we have found gives relief to a wide
range of patients.
In the case of a pregnant woman, if we were to use the Webster
Technique we would first examine the patient to confirm sacral
alignment, then a light force thrust would be applied to correct
the sacrum. This soft and effective adjustment helps to align
the pelvis, an important necessity for an easier natural birth
that is also safer for the mother and infant.
Chiropractic care is becoming more popular among mothers and
birth care providers. A doctor that is trained in these kinds of
techniques can provide their patient with a more comfortable and
safer delivery.